
My home, my country

Most of the Malaysians speak bad about Malaysia after they came to Singapore. When you try to ask them whether they love their country, they always give you a similar answer. "I love my country, but my country doesn't love me." How come?

1. Because they failed to get scholarship but his/her friends whose result worse get it easily.
2. Malaysia's political and social too dark. (If you're Malaysian, surely you know that though you might not have habit of reading newspaper.)
3. Dislike involved in the different race groups. (Perhaps had some bad experience before.)

And many other reasons...

When i just came to Singapore, i was quite sensitive with the words which related to "Malaysia", even now. Mostly i heard is about how bad Malaysia is. Kinda sad, actually. My home country failed to give a good image to foreigners, even those who are Malaysians are still trying persuade foreigners don't go to Malaysia due to there is unsafe place.

Why not we think in another way? We don't ever have any choice to born in which country. Perhaps we can change our nationality when we are adult. But have you try to think deeply about that may have some beautiful reasons why you born in this country? God always done His job with a wonderful reason behind and He won't explain to you why he did that for you.

Usually, our prayer center on ourselves. We request God give us things/results that we want. Blame God, complain everything when our demands never satisfied. But we never ever give a thought that the things that God gives to us is a lesson? We always complain a lot about our country. Why not we pray for our country always? Believe God, He'll transform Malaysia one day? Perhaps God is waiting for Malaysians' cry out for own country!!!!! So don't hestitate or underestimate your prayer. Just cry out once a year better than you never ever do that!!

"Do you love ur home coutry?" Yes, i am. Forever and ever. Though it seems like unlovable now. And i still believe that i'll see the revival in Malaysia one day, now and ever. Because my God is Big Big God!!! :D
